Yume-Ring ☆ 夢女子

Keep on dreaming ♫♪♪

A webring for all yumejoshi and otomes ♥
Whether you ship romantically or platonically,
you're welcome here!

Update: 1/2: Happy New Year! Yume-Ring is now open for applications.

Members have been split into two different lists — one for "active" members (ones with shrines/content) and one for grandfathered members. If at any time you'd like to be moved to the active members list, please provide a link to your F/O shrine and you'll be moved accordingly. Thank you!


  1. Must be a yumejoshi/otome/self-shipper of some kind! Whether platonic, romantic, or otherwise. This webring is not for kinning.

  2. You must have a personal website to join along with content that is dedicated to your F/O: a **completed** shrine or page for fanart, graphics, writings, articles, etc.

  3. Old members without the above are grandfathered in.

  4. Websites with tasteless, illegal, or hateful content will not be permitted to join.

  5. NSFW and Mature websites are more than welcome to join but please make sure you note this information in your application.

  6. The Yume-Ring admins are allowed to deny any application for any reason. You may also be removed from the webring at any time at our discretion.

  7. If at any time you would like to be removed from Yume-Ring, or have your information, F/O, etc. updated, please send an e-mail to: yumeringa@gmail.com
